Project Command Line Interface

Basic Help

$ python3 --help
Using environment configuration: StandardEnvironment
usage: [-h] [-v] [--debug] {status,next,run,submit,exec} ...

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity.
  --debug               This option implies `-vv`.


$ python3 status --help
Using environment configuration: StandardEnvironment
usage: status [-h] [-v] [--debug] [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]]
                             [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]] [--json] [-d] [-a]
                             [--only-incomplete-operations] [--stack] [-1]
                             [-e] [--pretty] [--full] [--no-overview]
                             [-m OVERVIEW_MAX_LINES] [-p [PARAMETERS ...]]
                             [--param-max-width PARAM_MAX_WIDTH]
                             [--eligible-jobs-max-lines ELIGIBLE_JOBS_MAX_LINES]
                             [--ignore-errors] [-o OUTPUT_FORMAT]
                             [--profile [PROFILE]]

Parallelization of the status command can be controlled by setting the
flow.status_parallelization config value to 'thread' (default), 'none', or
'process'. To do this, execute `signac config set flow.status_parallelization

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity.
  --debug               This option implies `-vv`.
  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Only select jobs that match the given id(s).
  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Only select jobs that match the given state point
  --ignore-errors       Ignore errors that might occur when querying the
  --profile [PROFILE]   Collect statistics to determine code paths that are
                        responsible for the majority of runtime required for
                        status determination. Optionally provide a filename
                        pattern to select for what files to show result for.
                        Defaults to the main module. (requires pprofile)

  Specify how to format the status display.

  --json                Do not format the status display, but dump all data
                        formatted in JSON.
  -d, --detailed        Show a detailed view of all jobs and their labels and
  -a, --all-operations  Show information about all operations, not just active
                        or eligible ones.
                        Only show information for jobs with incomplete
  --stack               Show labels and operations in separate rows.
  -1, --one-line        Show only one line per job.
  -e, --expand          Display job labels and job operations in two separate
  --full                Show all available information (implies --detailed
  --no-overview         Do not print an overview.
  -m OVERVIEW_MAX_LINES, --overview-max-lines OVERVIEW_MAX_LINES
                        Limit the number of lines in the overview.
  -p [PARAMETERS ...], --parameters [PARAMETERS ...]
                        Display select parameters of the job state point (with
                        optional prefix 'sp.') or job document (by using
                        prefix 'doc.') in the detailed view.
  --param-max-width PARAM_MAX_WIDTH
                        Limit the width of each parameter row.
  --eligible-jobs-max-lines ELIGIBLE_JOBS_MAX_LINES
                        Limit the number of eligible jobs that are shown.
  -o OUTPUT_FORMAT, --output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
                        Set status output format: terminal, markdown, or html.


$ python3 run --help
Using environment configuration: StandardEnvironment
usage: run [-h] [-v] [--debug] [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]]
                          [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                          [-o OPERATION_NAME [OPERATION_NAME ...]] [-n NUM]
                          [--pretend] [--progress] [--num-passes NUM_PASSES]
                          [-t TIMEOUT] [--switch-to-project-root]
                          [-p [PARALLEL]]
                          [--order {none,by-job,cyclic,random}]
                          [--ignore-conditions {none,pre,post,all}]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity.
  --debug               This option implies `-vv`.

job-operation selection:
  By default, all eligible operations for all jobs are selected. Use the
  options in this group to reduce this selection.

  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Only select jobs that match the given id(s).
  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Only select jobs that match the given state point
                        Only select operation or groups that match the given
                        operation/group name(s). These are interpreted as
                        regular expressions.
  -n NUM, --num NUM     Limit the total number of operations/groups to be
                        selected. A group is considered to be one operation
                        even if it consists of multiple operations.

  --pretend             Do not actually execute commands, just show them.
  --progress            Display a progress bar during execution.
  --num-passes NUM_PASSES
                        Specify how many times a particular job-operation may
                        be executed within one session (default=1). This is to
                        prevent accidental infinite loops, where operations
                        are executed indefinitely, because postconditions were
                        not properly set. Use -1 to allow for an infinite
                        number of passes.
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        A timeout in seconds after which the execution of one
                        operation is canceled.
                        Temporarily add the current working directory to the
                        python search path and switch to the root directory
                        prior to execution.
  -p [PARALLEL], --parallel [PARALLEL]
                        Specify the number of cores to parallelize to.
                        Defaults to all available processing units.
  --order {none,by-job,cyclic,random}
                        Specify the execution order of operations for each
                        execution pass.
  --ignore-conditions {none,pre,post,all}
                        Specify conditions to ignore for eligibility check.


$ python3 submit --help
Using environment configuration: StandardEnvironment
usage: submit [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--pretend] [--force]
                             [--ignore-conditions {none,pre,post,all}]
                             [--ignore-conditions-on-execution {none,pre,post,all}]
                             [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                             [-o OPERATION_NAME [OPERATION_NAME ...]] [-n NUM]
                             [-b [BUNDLE_SIZE]] [-p] [--template TEMPLATE]
                             [flags ...]

positional arguments:
  flags                 Flags to be forwarded to the scheduler.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity.
  --debug               This option implies `-vv`.
  --pretend             Do not really submit, but print the submission script
                        to screen.
  --force               Ignore all warnings and checks, just submit.
  --ignore-conditions {none,pre,post,all}
                        Specify conditions to ignore for eligibility check.
  --ignore-conditions-on-execution {none,pre,post,all}
                        Specify conditions to ignore after submitting. May be
                        useful for conditions that cannot be checked once

job-operation selection:
  By default, all eligible operations for all jobs are selected. Use the
  options in this group to reduce this selection.

  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Only select jobs that match the given id(s).
  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Only select jobs that match the given state point
                        Only select operation or groups that match the given
                        operation/group name(s). These are interpreted as
                        regular expressions.
  -n NUM, --num NUM     Limit the total number of operations/groups to be
                        selected. A group is considered to be one operation
                        even if it consists of multiple operations.

  Bundle multiple operations for execution, e.g., to submit them all
  together to a cluster job, or execute them in parallel within an execution

  -b [BUNDLE_SIZE], --bundle [BUNDLE_SIZE]
                        Bundle multiple operations for execution in a single
                        scheduler job. When this option is provided without an
                        argument, all eligible operations are combined into
                        one bundle.
  -p, --parallel        Execute all operations in a single bundle in parallel.

  The execution and submission scripts are always generated from a script
  which is by default called '' and located within the default
  template directory. The system uses a default template if none is
  provided. The default template extends from a base template, which may be
  different depending on the local compute environment, e.g., '' for
  an environment with SLURM scheduler. The name of the base template is
  provided with the 'base_script' template variable.

  --template TEMPLATE   The name of the template file within the template
                        directory. The standard template directory is
                        '${{project_root}}/templates' and can be configured
                        with the 'template_dir' configuration variable.
                        Default: ''.
  --template-help       Show information about the template context, including
                        available variables and filter functions; then exit.


$ python3 exec --help
Using environment configuration: StandardEnvironment
usage: exec [-h] [-v] [--debug] {} [job_id ...]

positional arguments:
  {}             The operation to execute.
  job_id         The job ids or aggregate ids in the FlowProject. Defaults to
                 all jobs and aggregates.

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Increase output verbosity.
  --debug        This option implies `-vv`.